Snowboarding Course - Traversing (Heelside)

Traversing allows you to move across the fall line while descending gradually. It is actually riding diagonally across the slope, taking you slowly from one side of the slope to the other. You can do traverses in two ways, depending on the position you make and the board edge that you use. One of them is Traversing - Heelside. You will make use of your downhill edge in order to control your speed.

STEP 1: In traversing using the heel edge, look towards the direction where you want to go. This is one of the most crucial things that you should do when traversing. Spread your arms to help in keeping your balance.

STEP 2: Then, turn your head and upper body towards the direction you wish to travel to. Shift more weight on your leading foot and move together with your other foot. Remember to keep the board angled downhill but only slightly.

STEP 3: Return your Snowboard to its original position across the fall line. Get ready to move to the other side of the slope. Look towards the direction where you want to go.

STEP 4: Just like in Step 2, turn your head and upper body towards the direction you wish to travel to. Shift more weight on your leading foot and move together with your other foot. Remember to keep the board angled downhill but only slightly.

Practice traversing using your heel edge so you will be able to control your speed and direction and improve your balance. Make sure that you are already comfortable in doing Traverses (heelside and toeside) before trying other Snowboard Exercises.

Snowboarding Course - Sideslipping (Toeside)

Sideslipping is simply sliding along the fall line of the slope. This skill will teach you how to control your Snowboard and make use of your edges when descending.

There are many advantages of learning this skill. First, it will teach you the importance of edge awareness. Sideslipping is one skill that you should learn before you can do traverses. Eventually, you will also be able to perform basic turns. When you decrease the angle of your board’s uphill edge, it will initiate a sliding movement. On the other hand, if you increase the edge angle, the board will slow down and stop.

In this section, know what Sideslipping (toeside) is all about and learn how to use your toe edge in controlling your descent:

STEP 1: When starting out, learn on a moderate slope. Your feet should be attached to your Snowboard Bindings. Face uphill with your board directly across the fall line. Bend your knees until they touch the ground. Make sure to keep your balance.

STEP 2: While on your knees, dig your toe edge deeper into the snow. This will give you a firm hold or a stable position before you continue. Plant your hands into the snow to support your upper body.

STEP 3: Then to get up on your toe edge, move your hands toward your body and put them on your sides. Use your hands to balance yourself while you lift your knees gradually from the ground. Next, steadily extend your legs and try to stand. Keep your balance and make sure that your board remains on its toe edge.

STEP 4: Finally, try to stand up. This is quite a difficult position to make but it can be mastered through practice. Just find your balance and hold your upright position while the board is on its toe edge.

STEP 5: At this point, learn how to control your Snowboard and the speed of your descent using your toe edge. Decrease your edge angle. You will notice that your speed in going downhill increases. You will descend faster as you push your Snowboard further down.

STEP 6: Increase the edge angle of your Snowboard. Take note that there is a decrease in your speed. You will keep on slowing down as you continue to increase the angle of the Snowboard toe edge.

STEP 7: This is the last step of the exercise. While keeping the board on its toeside, gradually move down and put your hands on the ground to support your body. At this point, you already know how to use your toe edge in descents.

Edge awareness is one of the most important things you need to learn in Snowboarding. Practice Sideslipping and take full advantage of your toe edge. Be comfortable in doing this skill so you can move on to the other Snowboard Exercises. Check out our next section and learn Sideslipping on your heel edge.

Snowboarding Course - Sideslipping (Heelside)

As mentioned in our Sideslipping (Toeside) section, Sideslipping is sliding along the fall line of the slope. This exercise will teach you how to use your Snowboard's edges to control your speed in going downhill.

In this section, know what Sideslipping (heelside) is all about and learn how to use the heel edge of your Snowboard in controlling your descent:

STEP 1: When starting out, learn on a moderate slope. Your feet should be attached to your Snowboard Bindings. Then, face downhill and sit on the ground. Your legs should be bent and your snowboard should be on its heel edge. Make sure to keep your balance.

STEP 2: Dig your heel edge deeper into the snow. This will give you a firm hold or a stable position before you continue. Plant your hands into the snow to support your upper body.

STEP 3: Move your hands toward your body. Use them to balance yourself while you lift yourself gradually from the ground. Distribute your weight evenly to your knees to help maintain your balance.

STEP 4: Finally, try to stand up. This is quite a difficult position to make but it can be mastered through practice. Just find your balance and hold your upright position while the board is on its heel edge.

STEP 5: Know how to control your Snowboard and the speed of your descent using your heel edge. Your speed in going downhill increases as you decrease your edge angle. Push your Snowboard further down for more speed.

STEP 6: In the previous step, you learned that you will gain more speed if you decrease your edge angle. This time, increase the edge angle of your Snowboard. You will notice that there is a decrease in your speed. Keep on slowing down by continuously increasing the angle of your Snowboard heel edge. Soon, you will come to a halt.

STEP 7: You have finally reached the last step of the exercise. Keep your board on its heel edge while gradually lowering your body. Put your hands on the ground to support your body.

At this point, you already know how to control your Snowboard (heelside and toeside). In general, it does not really matter if you learn Sideslipping on the heel edge or toe edge first, since you will learn both as you go on with the Snowboarding Course. Practice Snowboard control and make use of your edges in controlling your speed down the slope.

Snowboarding Course - Moving Up the Slope

After trying to skate/slide down the bunny hill, you will now have to learn how to move up the slope. You can do it by inching your way up while both feet are attached to the board. In this section, learn how to move up the slope with both feet strapped in:

STEP 1: Start off by finding a slope with as little human traffic as possible. Face uphill and with both feet strapped in, assume a frog-like position - toe edge on the snow, knees bent, and your hands planted on the ground just like in the illustration.

STEP 2: Begin inch worming by moving your arms forward. Then, gradually extend your legs. Make sure your Snowboard is still on its heel edge. This position is quite difficult to make because of the weight of your body and the inclination of the slope. Just use your arms and your heel edge for support.

STEP 3: This step will require a considerable effort on your part. Without moving your arms, pull your legs toward you just like what a frog's hind legs do when it hops. It helps if you elevate your Snowboard and use your knees to move forward.

STEP 4: Repeat the steps until you have inched your way up the slope. If you can perform this move well, then you won't have a hard time going up the slope with your Snowboard still attached to your feet.

Moving up the slope in this manner is quite tedious so you can only perform it for short distances only or if you can still endure doing the steps repeatedly.

Snowboarding Course - Gliding

Gliding is one skill that you should be able to do before you progress to other Snowboard Exercises. This basic movement will help you to be comfortable in shifting your weight forward and in gaining Snowboard control.

This will also be helpful when riding a chairlift. You can be able to unload from a chairlift in control if you are able to turn out of a glide. As soon as you are able to stand tall on a board and glide down from an incline, then you are ready for the chairlift.

STEP 1: First, find a gentle slope with as little human traffic as possible. Maintain your balance while standing. You can spread your arms a little bit to help you stay in upright position. As soon as you are ready and the coast is clear, place your back foot just in front of the back Snowboard Binding.

STEP 2: Lean forward so you can start moving downhill. Point your toes down to move forward and shift your weight backward to slow down or stop. Always look at where you want to go and not at your Snowboard.

Moving on the slope with only one foot attached to the Snowboard can be pretty exhausting but you will find that it will be very useful in many ways. Practice and be comfortable in doing straight glides before trying other Snowboard Exercises.

Snowboarding Course - Switching Edges

If you find yourself on the wrong edge, you need to unfasten your Snowboard Bindings, turn around, and attached the bindings to your feet. However, there is an easier way of switching edges. This is by rolling on your side while your feet are attached to the board. In this section, learn how to switch edges the easy way:

Switching Edges - Toe to Heel

STEP 1: This is probably easier to do than switching from heel edge to toe edge. Drop on your knees and plant your hands on the snow.

STEP 2: For additional support, move your elbows down so it will be easier to roll on your side.

STEP 3: Duck your right shoulder and move your upper body towards the direction of the roll.
STEP 4: Get your snowboard up in the air and gradually turn it around.

STEP 5: At this point, you should be lying on your back and your Snowboard is in midair.

STEP 6: Put your Snowboard down. Using your hands, push yourself up to a sitting position. You have already switched from toe to heel edge.

Switching Edges - Heel to Toe

STEP 1: In changing edges from heel to toe, sit on the slope and slightly bend your knees.

STEP 2: Lie down and put your hands on your sides.

STEP 3: Put your hands behind your knees and try to get your Snowboard in the air.

STEP 4: Turn the Snowboard once it gets airborne. Plant the tail or nose of the board into the snow.

STEP 5: Continue to roll on your side until the Snowboard is already is on its toe side and you are facing the uphill.

STEP 6: At this point, you have switched from heel edge to toe edge. Use your hands for support as you stand up.

This is the basic way of switching edges when you are on the slope. You will soon be able to change sides easily when you find yourself on the wrong edge. Just make sure to keep away from other snowboarders when you need to do this.

Snowboarding Course - Skating

Mastery of skating from one place to another is a useful skill in Snowboarding. You will have to skate when you are making mid-mountain transfers from lift to lift, crossing the flats from the base lodge over to a lift, or when trying to get moving again if you get caught on a 'cat track'. Practicing this useful technique will also help you get the feel of gliding the board forward on the flat before you attempt the same motion on a gradual slope.Here are some tips on how to skate:

* Attach your front foot to the Snowboard Bindings, and leave your back foot free.
* Make a skating motion by placing your front foot in front of you while using your back foot to move forward. Skating/Sliding on your Snowboard with one foot attached is something you need to learn and would do often in Snowboarding. Every time you need to enter or exit a lift or travel short distances on a level or uphill slope, you will need to skate.
* Try skating around but make sure that your back foot should never be ahead of your front foot. Make sure to only make small steps with your back foot.
* As you improve, you will learn how to take bigger steps and really kick with your back foot.
* Also, make sure to keep your front leg slightly bent with most of your weight on your front foot. It will help keep your balance.
* As your skills improve, you will be able to make some speed. You will also be able to place your back foot on your Snowboard Stomp Pad or press it against the back of your Snowboard Binding if you don't have a stomp pad. Then, try to keep both feet on the board as much as possible. Try to crouch and get up while sliding on the board.

Snowboarding Course - Carrying your Snowboard

There are several ways to carry your Snowboard while on the slopes. One important thing to remember is to watch out for other people or objects you might hit with your board when you are walking. Another one is to avoid dropping your board on the slope, unless you want to go on a Snowboard chase. In this section, learn several ways to carry your Snowboard:

The most common way of holding your Snowboard is to carry it like a book. Simply carry your Snowboard under one arm with your hand holding the board in the middle for balance. In this way, your board is pointing at the same direction you are facing.

Another way to carry your Snowboard is to put it behind your back and hold it with both hands. This is less tiring than the first since you will be using both hands. However, this will be quite a challenge when going uphill as the weight will somehow drag you down.

You can also just drag your Snowboard up the slope by holding or wrapping the leash around your wrist. This is especially convenient when you are traveling long distances and you need to carry your Snowboard. Just make sure that you don't bother anyone when you are dragging your board on the slope.

If you have to leave your board alone, one option to keep it safe is to use a lock. Some resorts provide snowboard locks for specific kinds but it would be more advisable if you have your own. You can also share locks with your friends. If you decide to leave your board at the base, make sure that it can be easily seen from where you are.

We have listed some of the ways to carry your Snowboard. In general, it is a matter of preference. No matter how you do it, just make sure that you will not hit anyone or it will not slide down the slope.

Acclimatizing yourself to your Snowboard is one of the basic essentials in our Learn Snowboarding Online Course. You need to be comfortable in moving on the slope while your feet are strapped in. Follow this Snowboarding Tip so you be able to ride the slopes with ease. Gear up on the slope and get used to your board easily with the help of our easy-to-follow steps and animation:

STEP 1: Find a flat area or gentle incline. Keep away from high-traffic areas. Rest your Snowboard on the snow, with the bindings facing down. This is to secure your board in place and keep it from getting away from you.

STEP 2: Turn the board towards you. If you are on a gentle incline, attach the safety leash on your front leg to keep the board from sliding down.

STEP 3: Start fastening with your front foot. Place your foot in the front binding. Fasten the ankle strap. Make sure that your heel is securely in place.

STEP 4: After fastening the ankle strap, secure the toe strap. Make sure that it is snug enough without hurting your foot. Now that your front foot is buc
STEP 5: Stand up and move your board up and down using your front foot. Do this repeatedly until you get comfortable with your board.

STEP 6: At this point, put your free foot forward. This is the same as Step 5 but this time, the board is behind you. Move it up and down to acclimatize yourself to the board.

Gearing up on the slope and getting accustomed to your board are some of the fundamentals in learning how to ride. Getting comfortable with your board and your set of equipment in general can help you in performing various Snowboarding skills, techniques and maneuvers. kled in, you can start getting accustomed to your board.

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