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Habitat This is a company with a touch of sk8 boards calm, stylish and earthy. Almost similar to the Element, but the difference was not trying to Habitat to highlight his skater skaters like Bam Margera in the Element. That means the popularity of Habitat somewhat less famous, but their board is famous with its very high quality graphics and they are very artistic and further highlight icon icon. Habitat also has a board outside the normal seven plywood boards of other boards such as the Skylite lighter skate deck, corrugated bottom ply decks, and Terralone Earth-tone decks.
Zero characteristic can be seen from the graphic design is usually filled with blood and skulls. When the pro skater Jamie Thomas took over this company, Zero retains its characteristic Gothic and even add elements mixed with PUNK .... cool . Zero decks made with good quality. Then, a pro skater who is a board Wearing Jamie Thomas, Chris Cole, Ellisa Steamer (girls) and many others. One of his companies Jamie Thomas, who else is Mystery, and Mystery on board made exactly like Zero.

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