Play SKATE against Tony Hawk

Posted 00.33 by my rebel in Label:
Play SKATE against Tony Hawk
Wednesday March 4, 2009
image from ShredOrDie.comYou know how to play SKATE, right? Not the video game - SKATE is like basketball's HORSE, but with skateboards. One guys tries a trick, and if he lands it, the next skater needs to land it, or earn a letter. Once you've earned all the letters in SKATE, you lose. It's a great game - it encourages creativity, it challenges you, and it's fun.

Well, Quiksilver,, Tony Hawk and the Beastie Boys have put together a sweet online game of SKATE called Race to S.K.A.T.E. Here's how it works - every Friday, a video is posted on The video shows a pro skater (Tony Hawk, Alex Olsen, Danny Garcia, Reese Forbes and Kyle Leeper) doing a series of five tricks. Then you take a video of yourself doing the five tricks, upload it, and hope you win! Here are the rules:

Tricks can be done all at once (in a line) or separately, but all five tricks must be in one video upload. Tricks must be done exactly the same as the pro trick; a backside turn in the trick must be done backside according to the skater’s stance. If the pro is goofy and contestant is regular, the contestant must turn the same rotation based on his or her stance. Tricks must be landed cleanly, which means landing the trick and riding away – no toe dragging and no hands down on the ground to keep balance.

The prizes are a little skimpy - first gets a signed deck from the pro you skated against, plus some clothes and stickers. Second gets a Beastie Boys CD, some clothes and stickers. Third through fifth get the same as second, but less clothes. Still, the contest runs weekly, and it should be fun to enter! And dude, if you WIN, that signed deck from the pro you "beat" in SKATE - that would rock! Try it out - the worst that could happen is that you get pushed to do some new tricks, and have a cool video to post on YouTube later

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