Rock to fakie skateboard trick tip

Posted 03.39 by my rebel in Label:
Rock and roll is the most easy lip trick. It can be performed on a halfpipe, quarterpipe and some other stuff.... be creative! I'm going to explain this trick for a halfpipe.

Drop in (or pump to the top of the ramp). Just make sure you have enough of speed.

Just start in the ollie position , maybe you could put your front foot a little more towards the nose.

Ok, you're riding on the pipe. Ride to the top.

Lean forward so your board touches the edge like you're doing a boardslide on it.

Now lean back again. Put your weight on the tail of your board.

Ride back fakie or kickturn and ride back down the ramp.

Important: This trick can be really cool if done right! Most of the people just put their front trucks over the edge for a little while and think they're cool. Don' be a wuss like them!
Variations: Approach the ramp in fakie position. Then put your back trucks over the edge (far enough!) and lean forward to come back down.

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