The picture gives this invention away. If you guessed skateboard then you are correct! In reality, the disclosure would also be sufficient to cover any type of sports board, not just a skateboard. In fact, the wheels (shown above as 121A and 121B) are not present in any of the claims, which makes for an interesting skate board, doesn’t it?

What is present, however, is a requirement that the board itself have means for receiving one or more trucks. What? Well, as it turns out in the skateboard field a truck is really just an axle. This demonstrates the importance of understanding terminology that is associated with a particular industry when writing a patent application, but why not just call it an axle? I have no idea. Yes, we can assume certain knowledge appropriate for those of skill in the art, and in this industry they would know that a truck is an axle, but I never recommend doing for inventors. It is not at a good idea to assume knowledge on the part of anyone reading a patent application. Only when it matters will anyone try and determine who the person of skill in the art is and what they would have known. Take no chances! Assume you are talking to an averge Joe, and to Joe a truck is a vehicle not an axle! It is always best to remember that old saying, you know the one about what happens when you ASSUME!

So, this invention would seem to cover snowboards, for example, so long as the snowboard is manufactured such that it is capable of receiving an axle, which doesn’t seem very likely. Nevertheless, the real cool part is that the board itself is made of grass! Well, that is what the claim says anyway. It is really made of a first and second layer of a grass mesh, with grass being defined as bamboo, hemp or kanaf, whatever kanaf is. In any event, In between these first and second layers is an unspecified, relatively light and flexible core. Of course, there needs to be an adhesive present to bind these three required layers.

Who would have thought of a three ply skateboard? Maybe someone familiar with plywood? On another note, in order to have a skateboard wouldn’t you need more than one truck? Maybe that is the real invention, a two wheel skateboard. Now that would not be obvious at all.


Guns are serious boards for the serious surfer and are designed for riding the largest days of the year. Chances are if you need this type of board you're probably not going to be reading this but for the sake of education, we’ll describe them briefly. You can think of guns as a survival tool rather than a performance design because only the best of the best do anything more than just survive the giants waves ridden on these boards.

The objective in big wave surfing is to get into the wave early, get down the face, and make the wave. Consequently, these boards have vee bottoms which creates suction and control, in effect holding you on to the face of the wave. The last thing a surfer wants on a large wave is to spin out at the bottom of a twenty or thirty-foot wave.

Gun surfboards need to be thick with the wide point slightly forward of center for maximum paddling efficiency and cover a lot of ground in a short time. Guns are normally thrusters or single fins, but recently the four fin has become a viable option as well. This type of board is for the advanced or expert surfer only.
Surfer/Shaper Kent Senatore of Tore Surfboards Hawaii has been making custom surfboards since 1980 and has an impressive resume. He has a proven track record and a unique ability to connect on a personal level with every customer. Kent's commitment to quality, attention to detail, and personal service are guaranteed to improve your surfing experience on every level.


Semi-guns or mini-guns are sleek, elegant, and beautifully foiled boards. Meant to be ridden in medium to large surf, they’re highly specialized and are usually designed with a particular type of wave or a particular spot in mind, i.e., 'Pipe board' (semi-guns used at the Banzai Pipeline). Because semi-guns are so surf spot and rider specific, we won’t get too deep into design characteristics.

Semi-guns fill the gap between shortboards and guns and are basically a longer and beefier shortboard while maintaining most of the same design elements. The outlines of a semi-gun is slightly wider and the thicker, often by 1/8” to 3/16”.

We recommend that each surfer work closely with your shaper to develop a board suited to your specific surfing needs. Semi-guns are for the advanced to expert level surfer.


Longboards are loved and hated by all. If you’re on a longboard, you love riding them. However, If you're on a shortboard, chances are you’ll hate all the longboarders in the line-up. The truth is, riding a longboard puts you as close to the roots of surfing as possible. Even hot-dogging, the earliest version of high performance surfing style began on boards over nine feet long.

On a board that catches any wave with ease, you’ll increase your wave count and learn, or relearn, depending on your background to appreciate the simple joy of riding a wave. Just try not to get too greedy when surfing in a mixed line-up. Because of it’s length, width, and thickness, the longboard is often referred to as tanks or tankers. Ironically, these are design attributes that allow any rider the ultimate in paddling ease and stability, making them the best beginner boards available. Depending on the type of surf and how the board is ridden, longboards feature a variety of fin setups from a single fin, 2+1, or thruster fin set up.

The longboard's straight rail line makes it trim effortlessly down the line but requires strength and good technique to perform. Noserider longboards are usually thick and bulky with concave in the nose while high performance designs are thinner with more rocker in the nose and tail. High performance longboards at times also utilize a concaved nose for increased nose riding ability. Most longboard bottoms utilize vee, blending from the center and flowing off the tail while some high performance models offer vee with concave running through it for added speed. Longboards work in any size wave and for surfers of any skill level including rank beginners to life long veterans.

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