
Posted 18.50 by my rebel in Label:


Semi-guns or mini-guns are sleek, elegant, and beautifully foiled boards. Meant to be ridden in medium to large surf, they’re highly specialized and are usually designed with a particular type of wave or a particular spot in mind, i.e., 'Pipe board' (semi-guns used at the Banzai Pipeline). Because semi-guns are so surf spot and rider specific, we won’t get too deep into design characteristics.

Semi-guns fill the gap between shortboards and guns and are basically a longer and beefier shortboard while maintaining most of the same design elements. The outlines of a semi-gun is slightly wider and the thicker, often by 1/8” to 3/16”.

We recommend that each surfer work closely with your shaper to develop a board suited to your specific surfing needs. Semi-guns are for the advanced to expert level surfer.

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