Snowboarding Course - Garlands

Posted 20.37 by my rebel in Label:
Snowboarding Course - Garlands

After learning how to perform the Falling Leaf, you are now ready to try doing Garlands. These are actually partial or half-turns in which changing edges is not necessary. They are called as such because the tracks that you will leave on the snow are similar to garlands that you see in Christmas trees.

STEP 1: You need a wide area for this exercise. Go to the top of the hill and position yourself across the Fall line. Start with a heelside position. Look towards the direction where you want to go.

STEP 2: When you're ready, decrease the edge angle of your Snowboard. Point your board down the Fall Line and then shift your weight forward by applying weight on your leading foot.

STEP 3: Begin a straight glide. Keep going until you pick up some speed. You will notice that you will gain speed as you point the tip of your board closer to the Fall line. Remember to look towards the direction where you want to go.

STEP 4: After gaining the desired speed, slow down by increasing the edge angle of the board and shifting your weight backward. Get ready to turn sideways to decrease your speed.

STEP 5: Move the tip of your board gradually across the Fall line. Take note that as you do this, you will be slowing down. Maintain your balance as you change the position of the board.

STEP 6: You will come to a complete stop when you turn your board uphill or if its position is already across the Fall line. Repeat the process until you are comfortable doing it on your heel edge. After that, try doing Garlands on your toeside.

To sum it up, these are the important things to keep in mind in doing Garlands: look towards the direction where you want to go, decrease the edge angle of your Snowboard and point the tip down the Fall Line, and turn uphill to slow down or stop. Once you get comfortable in doing Garlands, you will find that doing full turns will be a lot easier.

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