balance exercises on the skateboard

Posted 04.39 by my rebel in Label:
I am sure I would be interested in these tips, because these tips I have nobody (I guess so does ............). Before I will give you all the tips I am, what you already know the meaning of the skate board itself? If you do not know, you would miss much .......

Exercise skate board is beginning to slide. Before you start sliding it's good exercise you do a light warm the muscles of the body so that you can slide a little weak and with alacrity. Wear shoes with good rubber soles. This will be very useful because you're stuck with making a good foot on board skate board so you can avoid slipping and falling to the asphalt.

If you are a beginner, choose a lightweight sled to start exercising. Find a hilly area with a paved surface, an area like this is not too hard to find in the city poor and rocky. Get on top of a hill, then sliding down the skate board. The main purpose of this exercise is to maintain body balance on the skate boards and avoid collisions. Maybe you should do 30 to 50 times, until you can control the balance of freedom in the skate board correctly.

Next try the higher hills. With a steeper slope, you will glide faster. It is due to earth's gravity and inertia caused by the weight (friend!). When you slide faster, you will find it harder to maintain body balance. With more heavy exercise the skills in the skate board you will be more refined.

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